ASP mode key to success is to provide software to the maximum extent to meet the needs of all customers, which requires the software itself to be universal, but also easy to use.
Office automation for many companies is the most important enterprise application systems in the world, but for the large number of small and medium enterprises, in order to purchase and deployment of office automation, there are still many practical problems, which restricted the spread of office automation in SMEs . ASP (Appli-cation Service Provider) in recent years, very popular in the field of office automation software applications for SMEs as a respected model. Its application as the core business, selling application access, centralized office management, which correspond to several customer service, and customer service under contract to provide the appropriate business model more suitable for the actual needs of SMEs.
ASP Cooperative Office located in the office primarily targets 10 to 50 the number of SMEs, the greatest advantage of the product is to enable small and medium enterprises which do not require specialized equipment and the corresponding IT maintenance personnel. This business model through the ASP, using the method leasing, SME users only pay a certain rent, the business user's computer through Internet access to ASP's operating platform, from where a professional ASP operators to obtain software enterprise collaboration Office the right to use, you can enjoy the server, network, system administrators, and the use of OA software and service package. This way they can save a small and medium enterprises for the purchase of expensive software and hardware, construction, IT network environment, recruitment of professional IT staff and cumbersome system upgrades and other inputs, they can Zhongxiaoqiye rapidly growing use of information of its own strength, will be resolved SMEs in the construction of the current information the problems encountered, the market is conducive to rapid response capability of SMEs, small and medium enterprises the best path information.
Therefore, building national ASP for small and medium temperature and high-profile information, into the market, but has suffered in many parts of ASP "barber Tiaozi a fever," the predicament - Enterprise desperately development, government efforts to promote, but not for SMEs too appreciate, quite cold, ASP market to grow the seedlings Although, it is too early to talk about harvest.
ASP model to promote bottlenecks
The first operational integrity. Currently, the state legal protection of electronic transactions, payment of credit, goods delivery, network safety, construction generally need to be improved, enterprises and service suppliers of integrity is not enough, companies have been more concerned about the issue was "my account to the service center management, center staff will follow any responsibility to manage, financial data on it safe? them the flexibility to deal with it? "and so on. Therefore, the trust business service providers and whether they are willing to put the data to the supplier, this is an urgent need to solve the big problem.
Second, demand, personalized service issues. Standardization is a sign of mature software, but too rigid, stereotyped ASP standard mode, the SMEs in the face of tens of thousands of personalized service request has become powerless, the strict emphasis personalized business development costs will increase, resulting in asymmetric supply and demand sides.
Third, ASP products are at the initial stage of product maturity, versatility, security is still inadequate. Although the ASP model of software for many, but software vendors have introduced products for ASP model is quite small, the product looks beautiful, but mostly impractical, there is the implementation process is too complicated, and so the effectiveness is not such a good problems, long-running problems still exist.
Fourth, the ASP field shortage. Although China over the past decade in building information infrastructure, information exchange and so do a lot of work, but overall is still weak, especially in economically underdeveloped areas, information awareness is not strong, poor transmission of information. ASP aspect of performance, whether in R & D, sales or publicity, ASP meaning and function has not widely recognized.
How to break
ASP in the promotion of SMEs in the face of obstacles and bottlenecks in applications, software business, consistent with corporate goals, collaborative effort is a fundamental breakthrough.
First Software Vendor to do so, to make more software for ASP model, breaking the bottleneck of the market? This is at least the following two conditions:
First of all, ASP software functions to be generic, need to integrate more than 95% of the type of product functionality; Secondly, the software and making a "fool" not only a higher degree of product, but also easy to operate and understand. In the ASP model, users can only use the product installed directly on the Internet, if the software can not do "fool" the users are less likely to be widely accepted ASP model. Especially for SMEs, the software is far more mature and easy to use the key, more popular.
Second, how to understand the ASP model for SMEs to be? This should focus on analyzing and solving the following:
1. The establishment of objective evaluation criteria, selection of suitable suppliers. In the choice of outsourcing provider, you can not based on subjective or personal preferences, or just choose the lowest quote. Price is only part of the total cost, the benefits gained in price may lose operating costs and performance;
2. Analysis of needs, determine the appropriate outsourcing model. Many SMEs are not a thorough analysis of their IT needs, they choose to outsource services only for the immediate short-term results, this loss of their business should at least grasp the core level of autonomy, which is to cultivate, improve and maintain the critical core competence;
3. Enter into favorable contracts and flexible. Because of the continuous development of software technology is the need to develop and support the second, if the contract is the beginning of the price and service levels are too dead, then at the beginning stage of a fixed set terms is likely to hinder the sustainable development of the two sides do not help enterprises to upgrade updating;
4. 閫夋嫨鑹ソ鐨勮蒋浠跺晢锛岀‘淇濇暟鎹畨鍏ㄩ棶棰樸?鐢变簬ASP妯″紡涓嬪叧閿暟鎹瓨鍌ㄥ湪杩滅锛屽洜鑰岃閲囩敤涓ユ牸鐨勬暟鎹畨鍏ㄥ拰淇濆瘑鎺柦锛岀‘淇濅紒涓氱敤鎴蜂笟鍔″紑灞曞拰浠讳綍鏁版嵁淇℃伅鐨勫畨鍏ㄥ拰淇濆瘑銆傝瀹㈡埛鏀惧績锛屾棦鏄瘡涓?釜杞欢鍟嗛渶瑕佽В鍐充篃鏄紒涓氬鎴峰叧娉ㄧ殑鏍规湰闂锛岃蒋浠跺晢銆佷紒涓氱洰鏍囦竴鑷淬?鍗忎綔鍚堝姏锛屾槸甯傚満鑾峰緱绐佺牬鐨勪竴涓叧鍙c?
ASP鏄负鐢ㄦ埛鏈嶅姟鐨勶紝鐢ㄦ埛鐨勮喘涔版槸鎴愬姛鐨勬儫涓?爣鍑嗭紝鑰屽ぇ閲忕殑瀹㈡埛璐拱灏辨槸ASP鎴愬姛鐨勯偅涓?ぉ銆傝繖瑕佹眰ASP鎻愪緵鐨勮蒋浠舵湰韬兘澶熸渶澶х▼搴︽弧瓒虫墍鏈夊鎴风殑闇?眰锛屼篃灏辨槸鍦ㄨ璁¤蒋浠剁鐢ㄤ骇鍝佺殑鏃跺?灏遍渶瑕佸敖閲忔坊鍔犳洿澶氱殑鍔熻兘鏉ヤ笉鏂弧瓒充笉鍚屼腑灏忎紒涓氬鎴风殑鍏虫敞涓庨渶姹傦紝浠ユ彁渚涗竴涓繁鍙楀ぇ浼楁杩庛?鑳藉缁欎紒涓氬甫鏉ユ寔缁埄鐩婄殑ASP浜у搧锛屽洜姝や粠杩欎釜鎰忎箟涓婃潵璇达紝鎴愮啛銆侀?鐢ㄧ殑杞欢搴旀槸ASP妯″紡鐨勯閫夛紝涔熸槸绐佺牬鐨勫叧閿紝濡傛锛孉SP骞冲彴妯″紡鐨勫墠鏅皢鍗佸垎骞块様銆?br />
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